Plot Summary: Joanna Eberhart moves to Stepford, where wives are eerily perfect. She soon discovers a dark secret behind their submissive behavior and fights to uncover the truth.
Director: Frank Oz
Producer: Scott Rudin
Screenplay: Paul Rudnick
Nicole Kidman as Joanna Eberhart
Matthew Broderick as Walter Kresby
Bette Midler as Bobbie Markowitz
Glenn Close as Claire Wellington
Christopher Walken as Mike Wellington
Roger Bart as Roger Bannister

The Stepford Faceplant
We carry on our trip through Oz’s filmography, but this time, we crash headfirst into a flaming pile of cinematic garbage. This movie is really, really bad. So bad, it almost feels insulting, like the writers thought their audience was made up of complete dumbasses who wouldn’t notice the absolute nonsense they were trying to pass off as a plot. And I mean nonsense. Here’s what happens, so you don’t have to waste your time: At first, the movie tells you that all the women in Stepford have been secretly replaced by robots, courtesy of their evil, insecure husbands. You even see sparks flying out of one of them, and just in case you’re too fuking dense to get it, another one literally spits out dollar bills like a human ATM. (which is a terrible, terrible idea on its own). But then, near the end, the movie suddenly changes its mind and says, “Nah, actually, they’re not robots! They just have brain implants!” So, with the press of a button, they can wake up from their robotic servitude. What the actual fuk? But wait! Even after all this is explained, there’s still a full-blown body double of Nicole Kidman ready for replacement. Pick a lane, movie! This isn’t just bad writing. It’s lazy, confused, and brain-meltingly stupid.
The Characters: Who Even Cares?
The pacing is all over the place, too. Time feels like it’s moving in random bursts, and the characters are so underdeveloped I couldn’t give a shit about any of them. Also, where the fuck are all the kids? They’re all just magically erased from the story. The acting? Well, Nicole Kidman and Glenn Close are doing their best, but even they can’t save this shitshow. Matthew Broderick is just there, being a bland, useless simp with zero chemistry with Kidman. Bette Midler is annoying as hell with her over-the-top “feminist” caricature, and Jon Lovitz is not funny. And by the way,, why didn’t Lovitz chip his wife right away? She’s the most irritating one in the whole town! Chris Walken is just doing his usual weirdo schtick, but even he can’t save this mess.
The Message: Heavy-Handed and Pointless
The soundtrack is passable, but honestly, who the hell cares about the music at this point? The only moment I actually enjoyed was the Orlando Bloom joke, which got a small chuckle out of me. The beginning of the movie tricked me into thinking I might be watching something interesting, but that hope was quickly crushed into dust.
And the social commentary? It sucks. Like, are we lecturing five-year-olds in 2004? Do we, men, really need to be talked down to like this? Do we all dream of turning our wives into little robots and live in terror of strong, successful women? Well, okay, some probably do, but this stupid-ass movie isn’t going to open anyone’s eyes to society’s ingrained sexism. If anything, it just insults everyone in the process.
So yeah. Don’t watch this. It’s not worth your time. Probably better off watching the 1975 original, since every other critic says it’s actually good. But I wouldn’t know. I need to wash this crap-fest out of my brain before I attempt another feminist dystopia. Frank Oz, my dude, what happened? This movie hurts my soul.
🎥 Cinematography (2/10):
📖 Story (0/10):
Incoherent and self-contradictory.
🎬 Direction (0/10):
Completely out of control.
👥 Characters (2/10):
Mostly unlikable or underdeveloped.
💥 Visual Effects (2/10):
I hate that robo-dog.
🎭 Acting (4/10):
Nicole Kidman and Glenn Close deserved a better movie.
💬 Dialogue (1/10):
Cringe-worthy, unfunny, and simplistic.
🌍 Setting/Atmosphere (1/10):
🎵 Music (3/10):
😄 Entertainment Value (1/10):
One or two chuckles, a frustrating watch.
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